FALSE MIRACLE: 3 year old baby girl who is believed to be resurrected
The news about a 3 year old baby that was supposed to be buried on July 12 and allegedly moved her head and fingers and is believed to be resurrected went viral this morning (July 14)
The Video (Click here to watch) of the 3 year old girl being carried by her Grand Father out of her coffin went viral on Facebook with the title "3 years old wakes up on her own funeral" and spread like wild fire.
Believing that she was resurrected, the family of the child brought her home and gave her baby milk.
According to her, the baby "moved" her head and fingers during the mass last Saturday that's why they postponed the burial of the child.
Wena said Fr. Nilo Taba�a of San Isidro Parish Church advised them to bring the baby home, but the priest denied the statement.
The family is advised to bury the child for it is starting to decomposed and smell.
The family is thinking of burying the poor child within a week.
FALSE MIRACLE: 3 year old baby girl who is believed to be resurrected is still dead
Reviewed by Tsismiso
8:20:00 AM