Guy fainted 3 times on a slingshot ride [MUST WATCH] FUNNIEST VIDEO EVER

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Viral Video of a guy fainting 3 times on a slingshot ride.

This is probably one of the funniest video there is on the internet. How can a guy faint 3 times under a minute? This is really a must watch video!

Still thinking of trying out rides on amusement parks? Think again. This guy is the ultimate warning for those who are afraid of heights. I have never seen that much fainting under a minute! Best part is where he is about to puke but his fainting ability actually stopped the puking. Which is a win situation to be honest

Viral on youtube, click here for the original video

Watch the part 2 HERE
Guy fainted 3 times on a slingshot ride [MUST WATCH] FUNNIEST VIDEO EVER Guy fainted 3 times on a slingshot ride [MUST WATCH] FUNNIEST VIDEO EVER Reviewed by Tsismiso on 4:44:00 AM Rating: 5
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