Video of a fetus still moving on doctor's hand will change your views about abortion

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A heart-breaking footage of a fetus still moving on doctor's hand after being aborted has been spreading on the internet and causing millions of people to cry.

The 40 second long video can be seen on youtube with the title "Baby still alive and moving after abortion!" and it has been spreading on the internet lately due to it's obvious message about life.

Timing with today's one of the most trending topics "Abortion", the video have changed a lot of people's view about abortion and the importance of life.

On the video, it shows a fetus, still lying on its placenta. Being moved by the doctor's fingers.
The fetus can be seen moving exactly like a 9 month old baby, only it's still not fully developed.
This video is one of those video that will change your views in an instant.

One pro-abortion man even commented to the video

    "I used to be pro-abortion. But after seeing this video I realized how heartless it would be to stop a life. Like, I used to be like this guy (The fetus) on the video. How unfair it would be if other fetuses wouldn't experience life on earth. It's not supposed to be our choice to end a life. It should be our choice to make and be responsible for making one"

What's your stand about abortion? Challenge your views by watching the video on youtube by searching ""Baby still alive and moving after abortion"

Video of a fetus still moving on doctor's hand will change your views about abortion Video of a fetus still moving on doctor's hand will change your views about abortion Reviewed by Tsismiso on 12:45:00 AM Rating: 5
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