After attending the DongYan wedding, PNoy no-show at arrival honors for the 42 slain SAF men

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Netizens are full of rage towards the Philippine President for not showing-up at the arrival honors of the Slain SAF men.
What angered the many Filipinos is that the president have the time to attend events such as "The Royal Wedding of Marian and Dingdong" and Vice Ganda's "Gandang Gabi Vice" comedy late night show but have no time to show up for the 42 slained SAF men.

According to the President's spokeperson Abigail Valte clarified that Aquino did not "skip" the arrival honors.
"The President did not skip the arrival honors today, it presupposes he was originally scheduled to attend it, which was not the case," she said.

Posts on facebook about the President's no-show flooded the social media

"Mr. President be like:
Royal wedding - "Yes"
GGV guesting - "Yes"
SAF arrival honors - "Sorry, I need to attend a car plant opening." 

Faith in PNoy, once again lost

Another issue that once again damages the already falling reputation of the president. Perhaps the President should rethink his event priorities the next time he decides to appear on a social event.

Source: GMA
After attending the DongYan wedding, PNoy no-show at arrival honors for the 42 slain SAF men After attending the DongYan wedding, PNoy no-show at  arrival honors for the 42 slain SAF men Reviewed by Tsismiso on 8:10:00 AM Rating: 5
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