This should be used in every country, INDIAN KIDS AMAZING MIND CALCULATIONS

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Indian kids shows a really bizarre way of calculating numbers, we used to call kids with these kind of ability as geniuses. Solving quantity of numbers in just a matter of seconds.

Not only it is fast, it is also amazingly accurate. The kids also answer in a very confident way. STRAIGHT FACE, calm voice. The exact look of a kid knowing his stuff.

Some said that the technique is these Indian kids actually visualizes an actual Abacus in their minds, which explains the weird hand gestures  while calculating equations.

You can also watch the video here

This should be used in every country, INDIAN KIDS AMAZING MIND CALCULATIONS This should be used in every country, INDIAN KIDS AMAZING MIND CALCULATIONS Reviewed by Tsismiso on 6:29:00 AM Rating: 5
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