Homeless girl crashes mall entrance and dares guard to hit her

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Homeless girl dares mall guards to hit her - Cringe worthy video

A video was spreading all over the social media. The video shows a homeless girl being told by the guards to stop begging for alms in-front of the mall's entrance. But the girl insisted. Instead, she forced herself inside the mall, crashing down the crowd divider. And the girl didn't stop at that point. She put on a stance acting like she's going to punch the mall guard. And every time she is acting like she was a bout to throw a punch, she dares the mall guard to hit her.


The guard didn't touch the stupid girl. One of the homeless kids threw a metal sign at the guard and ran away. Far enough so he won't get touched but far enough to avoid any physical contact.

The video sparked outrage towards the girl saying that even tho the kid is underage, she needed to get slapped and we need to call the priest to pray for the girl's soul.

Comments saying that the guard have all the rights to hit her. Other people saying that the guard made the good decision to just let it slide. While others do believe that the girl needed a powerful batista-bomb on the concrete floor for acting like a stereotypical homeless girl, some said that she shouldn't be hit because she is just a minor.

Here in the Philippine trend, we believe that minors like this kid on the video should have a place if we can't put them in jail. Oh wait, we have those place! But, where they at tho? [Shmoney dance starts] Where they at tho?

Watch the video by clicking here!
Homeless girl crashes mall entrance and dares guard to hit her Homeless girl crashes mall entrance and dares guard to hit her Reviewed by Tsismiso on 1:30:00 AM Rating: 5
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