Uganda cannibals kidnap and eat humans
Amin stopped eating human flesh in 1997, saying: "I don't like human flesh. It's too salty for me."
Nowadays, this kind of gruesome incident is uncommon and if one surfaces, people get ultimately shocked by it.
A certain Monday Aluola made a documentary that proves cannibalism is still being practised in some areas - specifically in Uganda. His team went to Kiboga, a small village in the said country, and interviewed men who were caught kidnapping humans to eat their flesh.
"We always hear these stories but some of us end up convincing ourselves that they are not true but, perhaps, this shocking story might change our thinking," Aluola said.
The incidents happened in the small village. People were reporting that some neighbors disappeared and the police authorities began to investigate about it. It turned out that the two men in the video kidnapped them and killed them to eat their flesh.
Uganda cannibals kidnap and eat humans
Reviewed by Tsismiso
3:15:00 AM