Man lets fireworks explode between his butt cheeks

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Celebrating the new year is always fun for almost everyone and people are always doing ecstatic things to heighten the events.

This man, however, took it to the extremes as he let fireworks explode between his butt cheeks.

A video, which shows the hilarious act, was uploaded by the Facebook page UNILAD and has gone viral. It racked up over 6 million views as of this writing.

The video shows a man planking on the ground with fireworks, which seemed to be a fountain type, pressed in between his butt cheeks. It was then lit up by his friends who can be heard laughing so hard for their prank.

The man and his audience were serious in doing the dangerous act as the fireworks exploded while still in between his bottom.

After it took off, his friends were laughing loudly but the prankster was obviously hurt as he rolled back and forth on the ground.

The new year is over but definitely don't try to do this for the next one!

Firework In Arse
Late contender for idiot of the year....????
Posted by UNILAD on Saturday, December 31, 2016

Man lets fireworks explode between his butt cheeks Man lets fireworks explode between his butt cheeks Reviewed by Tsismiso on 2:24:00 AM Rating: 5
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