Jackie Rice, shouting at an elderly woman captured on video?

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Jackie Rice, shouted on an Elderly woman captured on video

This is a video circulating on the social media sites where it shows GMA 7 talent Jackie Rice scolding out an elderly woman. Thus spreading allegations about the actresses' rude attitude. What the people don't know is that the video above is a skit from "Wish Ko Lang", or in other words a "social experiment" to gather an attention from a good Samaritan. 

Skit gone wrong, for it has been spreading without the clarification of the video's sole purpose. People are raging on Jackie Rice's attitude on the video because of the lack of clarification from the uploader.

Video source: WishKolang

Jackie Rice, shouting at an elderly woman captured on video? Jackie Rice, shouting at an elderly woman captured on video? Reviewed by Tsismiso on 2:16:00 AM Rating: 5
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