Senator De Lima rejects invitation to attend lower house probe on drugs

Sen. Leila de Lima said she will not attend in the House of Representatives’ inquiry on the proliferation of illegal drugs at the New Bilibid Prisons.

“I don’t think they have a legitimate matter to be a subject of an inquiry in aid of legislation,” De Lima said.

According to Inquirer report, De Lima said during the her time as a justice secretary, she's the one who revealed the illegal drug trade in the national penitentiary.

It was 2014 raid found out the the high-profiled inmates where living in luxury. They confiscated contraband such as cash, drugs, sex toys, and top-of-the-line gadgets and appliances.

“They held hearings on what happened in Bilibid after our raid. The Congressional committee conducted an ocular inspection. So they know why that is happening in Bilibid,” De Lima said.

“I was the one who initiated that. Why should I be the one investigated? I was the one who took the initiative to do something. I was the one who exposed the problems there, and they know I exerted certain efforts, took some steps after discovering all those in Bilibid,” she added.

De lima still denied her involvement in illegal drug trade in the Bilibid.

“I am sure about myself. I am sure never involved in drugs, I never benefited with anything from drugs. I am not a protector, coddler or drug lord. Maybe others will not believe, but later they would. And those who know me, they know I will never do that,” De Lima said.

Later this afternoon, President Duterte said he will show to the public this week the organizational drug matrix which include De Lima as one of the highest officials.

Duterte also dragged her name in the case of Janet Lim-Napoles case, the PDAF scam.

“Who jailed Napoles? Just answer that. That’s (allegation) too unfair,” she said.

Senator De Lima rejects invitation to attend lower house probe on drugs Senator De Lima rejects invitation to attend lower house probe on drugs Reviewed by Tsismiso on 10:26:00 PM Rating: 5
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